Committees and Teams

Calvary has various groups that oversee the work done within and without the church. The chairperson of each committee/team represents that group on the Church Council, which is the governing board of the church and meets monthly.

If you would like more information about the work of any of the committees/teams or are interested in joining one of them, please contact the church office.

  • Finance and Stewardship – develops and creates opportunities, such as the annual pledge campaign, that enable us to live out our faith as children of God
  • Investments – manages the investment funds of the church
  • Missions – coordinates events such as Habitat build days, Animal Umbrella cat adoptions, mission trips, blood drives, and outreach, and oversees the disbursement of funds to be used for the benefit of “the needy, ill, and the poor, including the working poor,” in Arlington and surrounding communities
  • Music and Worship – works on ways to enhance services at Calvary and plans special services through the year
  • Nominations and Leader Development – discerns specific needs of the church, and creates a process to invite, train, and support leaders necessary in fulfilling the mission and priorities of the church
  • Safe Sanctuaries – works to make the church a safe place and protect children and other vulnerable persons from abuse
  • Social Media – maintains Calvary’s presence on the web, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Staff-Parish Relations – acts as a “bridge” between the congregation and the staff, and supports our pastor and staff so that they can work effectively in managing the ministry of our congregation
  • Teaching Parish – works with seminary students who are doing their field internship at Calvary
  • Trustees – oversee the financial well-being of the church and its physical facilities and ministries