Fellowship and Volunteer Opportunities
Ongoing Activities
Monday Morning Muddle meets Mondays at 10 AM ET in the Parlor. Bring a craft project, a quote to share, a topic of conversation, a funny story, or just your good self!
Bible Study meets Wednesdays at 10 AM ET in the Parlor, September-June (check the church calendar for summer meetings). The group “wrestles” with scripture, history, experience and spiritual life. All are welcome to join in this dynamic and challenging discussion.
Helping Hands meets Thursdays at 10 AM ET in Classroom 1. This faithful group works on projects for the church. If you can cut, paste, fold, collate, or just enjoy good company and great snacks (and occasional lunch parties), please join us!
Theology on Tap meets every other month; check the calendar or contact the church office for info.
Soup and Stories meets every other month on a Saturday at 6 PM; check the calendar or contact the church office for info.
Book Club meets one Tuesday a month at 7 PM in the 1st floor Parlor to discuss the book of the month; check the calendar or contact the church office for info.
Volunteer Opportunities
Sunday volunteers: We need folks to help with greeting, serving as worship leader, giving the Children’s Message, helping with Jr. Church and in the nursery, and providing snacks for Fellowship Time. Please contact the church office if you can volunteer!
Red Cross: If you are healthy and feeling well, please make an appointment to donate by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org, or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Arlington EATS: Visit their web page for information on volunteer needs, donation hours, location, and the items that are most needed right now.
Calvary also works with these organizations:
- Habitat for Humanity of Greater Boston
- Housing Corporation of Arlington
- New England MFSA (Methodist Federation for Social Action)
- Somerville Homeless Coalition
Calvary members work with these groups: