As this light changes and the days get shorter I find myself touched by sadness. I don’t think I’m diagnosable with SAD but my mood shifts in the darkness. As we head into the holiday season I find myself missing my Dad. He died 3 years ago in December. He was my biggest supporter. This photo was from my wedding day. That was the way he looked at me then, and most of the time.  And I still feel his presence surrounding me and uplifting me. I am grateful to have had him as a father and grateful for his presence in the world of faith and science.

This is a season of remembering, of giving thanks, of looking for the light within and around us. I invite you to think of those whose love surrounds you. Invite you to find the places where you have been touched by grace. I invite you to shine your light wherever you can.

As the light changes and the days get shorter, as the news bombards us with bad news, find the places where goodness can overcome evil, and hope, despair.

